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Blocky Red Spring Abregon (PR 6715) F1

Red blocky variety for cold plastic crops in spring/summer crops. Abregon F1 gives a perfect blocky shape. Strong plant with medium long internodes with a perfect fruit protection against the sun. High production. Plant continues very well into the summer.

Resistances: HR: Tm:0-2; IR: TSWV

Blocky Yellow Spring Galerna (PY 6920) F1

Yellow blocky for cold plastic crops in spring/summer crops. Very nice blocky shape. Galerna F1 has a very strong summer plant with good cover against sun burn. Very firm fruits and nice bright yellow color.

Resistances: HR: Tm:0-3; IR: TSWV

Blocky Orange Spring Pomerant F1

Very early orange blocky variety for cold plastic spring sowings in spring/summer crops. Very strong plant with medium long internodes. Fruit shape very nice. Pomerant F1 gives a high production. Nice plant that covers the fruits and continues strong into the summer.

Resistances: HR: Tm:0-3; IR: TSWV

Blocky Light Green Spring Minty F1

Light green blocky for cold plastic crops in spring/summer crops. Very strong growing plant, but compact. Minty F1 is high yielding. Mature fruits are orange.

Resistances: HR: Tm:0-3; IR: TSWV

Blocky Red Winter Torrente F1

Red Blocky variety for winter crop. Torrente F1 is the best choice for export quality production in a late crops through the winter. The variety is very stable in fruit size and shape with thick fruit wall. Fruits start ripening early, but can be kept on the plant for a very long time, maintaining export quality.

Resistances: HR: Tm3. IR: TSWV

Blocky Red Winter Napoleon F1

Red Blocky variety for winter crop. Argenta’s first variety with very high, Powdery Mildew tolerance. Very strong plant for the toughest growing conditions. Napoleon F1 is the best choice for your mid-late winter crop. Very healthy strong plant continuing well through the winter.

Resistances: HR: TM:0-3; IR: TSWV/Lt


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