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Sprouting cabbages

Blumini is an open-curd cauliflower with softer texture and longer stems. It is much more flavorful than regular cauliflowers. Fresh or cooked, Blumini stands out for its taste and sweetness, with just the right firmness, making it ideal for snack or party tray. The Blumini plants yield high quality white curds and green stems. It is commercially available in two varieties with a period of 65-80 days of maturity.

Blumini CF 2274 F1

Medium late variety in Blumini Series. 80 DAP. 1,8kg, creamy white curds, upright leaves. Curd forming 13-23 C

Blumini CF 2279 F1

Ealry variety in Blumini Series. 65 DAP. 1,8kg. Extra long green stems. Curd forming: 13-23 C


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