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Watermelon Botticeli F1

Botticeli F1 is a slightly elongated big fruited Crimson type watermelon. Average fruit weight around 10-12 kg. The perfect balance between vigor and earliness makes Botticeli the best choice for the earliest crops all over the world. Upto 2 weeks earlier then average varieties. Besides the earliness Botticeli still characterizes a very high qualtiy fruit because of its firm skin and shelf life, the high brix, nice taste and aroma and intense red flesh. Light green stripes on a dark green ground color

Watermelon Rida F1

Rida F1 is an elongated big fruited Crimson type watermelon. Average fruit weight around 12-15kg. Very popular variety in the Middle East.

Watermelon Maurizio F1 (WM 9051)

Maurizio F1 is the youngest Argenta Seeds hybrid in the Crimson segment. It makes very big and early fruits. Fruit shape is more round than from Botticeli.

Watermelon mini Tigrimini F1

Argenta’s first mini watermelon: 1,7-1,9kg. Sweetest variety in the market: brix 11-12. Micro seeded. DAT 70-75 days. Jubilee/Tiger stripe.

Watermelon midi WM 19-11 F1

Argenta’s first triploid midi watermelon: 4kg. Very sweet: brix 10-11. Seedless. Very nice internal color. Very high Powdery Mildew tolerance.


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